Koa Creative Studios

Where vision becomes Reality

~ Tattoo armour aftercare pads ~

Step 1: Clean Your tattoo Properly

Always use comfortable warm water and liquid anti-bacterial soap (Dial is preferred) and wash your tattoo for 60 seconds. Lathering the soap in your hands to create suds is better to keep your tattoo nice and clean while being comfortable.

Step 2: Balm it Up!

With ointment (The best I recommend is Hustle Butter Deluxe) take a good amount and rub it into and over your tattoo. This way, you keep your tattoo hydrated and allow it to weep plasma under the bandage without drying out.

Step 3: Wrap it with a New Tattoo Armor Pad.

Make sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching clean pads. Make sure the bandage is pressed against the tattoo without gaps between the tattoo and the bandage.

Step 4: Change your Bandage Every 4 – 6 hours.

Be careful when taking off your bandage with the tape and try not to irritate your tattoo. Then repeat steps 1 – 3 (Wash, Balm, and Wrap) every day, I recommend every 6 hours or 3 times a day. Unless your tattoo is leaking a lot of fluids, then change every 4 hours, keep changing your bandages until your tattoo is fully closed (anywhere between 3 - 5 days). When your tattoo no longer leaves blood or plasma under your bandage or even leaves a mirror image of the tattoo on the bandage; then your tattoo is fully closed!

Finally, Step 5: Moisturize your tattoo

Now that your tattoo is fully closed, your skin still needs about 2 more weeks of healing with a moisturizer. Either use a preferred lotion (Curel, Aquafer, Eucerin, etc.) without perfumes or “Ultra Healing” on the Label. Remember to massage the lotion into your tattoo until the lotion is fully absorbed.

-Always remember, if you have any questions about how your tattoo is healing or if you need more aftercare products. Feel free to contact me via email or phone, or if I’m not available then call the shop and we can get you situated right away!

Here’s a video showing you more information on how to use this aftercare!

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